Book of Alternative Services

These readings are from the Anglican Church of Canada’s adaptation of the Revised Common Lectionary. On Sundays and feast days there is a link to the full readings.

Liturgical Year A: Nov 27, 2022 to Dec 2, 2023
Liturgical Year B: Dec 3, 2023 to Nov 30, 2024

The Birth of the Lord: Christmas Day - PF (White or Gold)
Within the Octave of Christmas

Wednesday, December 25th, 2019

Christmas Season

Advent Wreath: The Advent wreath is removed before the first liturgy of Christmas, unless it contains a white Christmas candle, which is now lit. The Christmas cycle begins at evening prayer today and concludes after evening prayer on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.

Christmas Cr?¿che: A Christmas cr?¿che may be erected in the church on Christmas Eve or on Advent IV, but hopefully not before the 17th of December when Advent enters it final thematic phase anticipating the Nativity of Christ. The image of the Child is not placed in the cr?¿che until immediately before, or at the end of the first service of Christmas when the Cr?¿che is blessed. The Christmas Cr?¿che should include the Shepherds, manger animals, and angels but not the Wise Men (Magi) who replace these on the feast of the Epiphany. The Church of England's Common Worship: Times and Seasons provides a"Blessing of the Crib" on p. 102 and"Prayers at the Crib" on p. 103 [link]. The Episcopal Church also provides a"Blessing of a Cr?¿che" in The Book of Occasional Services, which may be found on p. 32 [link].

Christmas Festival of Readings and Music: The Book of Occasional Celebrations provides a service of Nine Lessons and Carols (A13) that may be used during the Christmas Season. It may be appropriate to use such a service during Advent but it should not be used before the 17th of December when Advent enters it final thematic phase anticipating the Nativity of Christ.

Morning Prayer: Ps 2, 85; Mic 4:1-5, 5:2-4; 1 Jn 4:7-16; Coll 274 or FAS 379

Holy Eucharist: In the Early Morning: Propers 274 or FAS 379; Readings: see Eve of Christmas; Preface of Christmas

During the Day: Propers 275 or FAS 380; Readings: see Eve of Christmas; Preface of Christmas

Evening Prayer: Ps 110:1-5, (6-7), 132; (Zech 2:10-13); Jn 3:31-36; Coll 275 or FAS 380

Link to full text for this day.

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Lectionary citations are reprinted from Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings, copyright © 2005 Consultation on Common Texts, admin. by Augsburg Fortress. Reproduced by permission.